Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why Its Important For The Daycare Provider To Interview You.

Just as its very important for you to interview the daycare provider, its just
as important for the daycare provider to interview you.

Why you ask?

Because it needs to be a good fit both ways . That daycare provider
needs to know that your child and your family are going to fit well
with the family's they already care for.

They need to know you agree with their ideas and rules.

So when shopping around for a daycare provider make sure they
ask you lots of questions as well, if they don't think twice about
considering them for a daycare provider.

What Do You Look For In A Daycare Provider?

What do you look for in a daycare provider?

Do you do a mini-interview on the phone, before
visiting the home?

When I have called I always ask if it a good time to
talk or should I call back later?

  • I asked about certification or license.
  • I asked about their FAMILY, as this will play a
big part in your child's day.

  • I asked about their education and why they went into
  • I asked for a TOTAL of how many kids they watch, not just how many
  • would be there on the days my kids were.
  • I asked about days when school was not in session, just how many
  • kids are there when there is no school. Bad weather, summer .......
  • Don't forget to ask if they babysit for RELATIVE S'S KIDS they watch.
  • Pets? Can you show me their vaccination records?
  • Are you insured? For a daycare business?
What types of activity's do you do with the kids?
  • How many kids under the age of 2?
  • Fenced Yard
These are all questions I would ask on the PHONE, then if it sounded good
we would make a in home visit.. We went to the home twice.

What questions do you ask?

About Me and Why I Decided To Do This..

I am going to take a moment to tell you a little about my self.
I am Kirsten my family and I have lived in Evansville for a little
over five years. We have two young children and found Evansville
to a wonderful community to raise our children in.

The one thing that really concerned me and I have had issues with
is finding good quality child care. Maybe its just been our luck, maybe
my standards are set a bit high. I am not really sure. I tried asking
around when we first moved here and got some good suggestions and
what turned out to be not so good. I do not feel anyone gave us 'bad'
suggestions these people meant well it just did not work for us.

I felt really frustrated at times because when you are new to town you
are really trusting absolute strangers to give you good advice.

Our first daycare provider was extremely unreliable . She allowed her
self more sick days than either my husband or I got.

The second daycare provider that we took our children to that
came recommended, I questioned very strongly just how many
children she was caring for. I noticed several things over the first
few weeks that just did not feel right. I had a feeling in the gut of
my stomach that would not go away. We went with our instincts
and got them out of there. Both of these daycare providers were
state licensed and that is what I found scary. We had no desire
to put our children in a daycare center we found they were not
the solution either.

I now stay at home for now. I am starting a business selling children's
toys and products. This option does not work for everyone .

This town is saturated with daycare providers. They are not all
the same. This website I hope will provide parents with answers
and helpful suggestions.

Our goal is to have other family's in town suggest daycare providers.
But this will have some order to it.

1. This is a open blog, BUT it is not here to bash anyone daycare provider.

2. Any negative comments will be removed, IF I can verify comments
through the state and/or county I will create a section on the blog
not with comments, but with instruction to contact the state or county
before hiring this particular daycare provider. Let the facts speak for
them selves. This blog after all is here to PROTECT the children.

3. IF you want to recommend a daycare provider you must include there
name, why you recommend them . Give examples. You must also
include your name and contact info for verification. We request this
as we don't want just any one and everyone posting under someone
Else's name. It's for your protection. If after I have verified the info
through you, I would leave your contact info information off the site
if you request it. Names have to be left with recommendation.

4. This site is not just for Evansville residents even though that was the
original idea, but this is open for all surrounding areas.

5. We will also have a section for swapping services.

6. We will have a section for people wanting to arrange play dates.

7. Different articles relating to childcare, the seasons, and craft and
vacation ideas .

This is going to change as we GROW. We hope that it becomes a very
helpful site for parents.

Feel free to email me at childswish08@yahoo.com